Benjamin with Sponge Bob Square Pants Lego set and birthday present over load.
Benjamin really knows how to open presents, like a wild animal(we got to work on that). Thanks everyone including Aunt Laura, who never forgets
anyones birthday even though she lives far away.

Michael with his
awsome tool set from Grandpa and Grandma Sperry. Paige and Michael hammering and sawing everything they can find in and outside the house.

Benjamin in his
pre-pro years. Look at the follow through.

Michael refused to hit the pinata because he didn't want to hurt it. He's more of a softy than the other two. They have little regard for anything. It's kind of refreshing to have him this way.

Michael's so proud that he can ride his new big boy bike. Happy birthday Michael!

Here's one of Paige just for fun. She swiped my sister's sleep mask and is putting it to good use.